Macular degeneration affects a number of people. This problem is quite common among elderly individuals. At first, the patient may notice very few symptoms and unhindered eye sight. However as the condition worsens, vision will become impaired. Being able to identify macular degeneration symptoms can help you find a way to treat the problem. Early treatment can help slow the progress of macular degeneration symptoms, so make sure you know what to look for. If you notice any combination of the following, seek out the advice of a physician.
Vision Loss
Macular degeneration symptoms include vision loss. At first, this may appear in the form of blurred vision. In some patients, the loss will be gradual and focused around the center of vision. In others, the progression may be much quicker. It is important to seek out medical help any time you notice a severe change in vision like this. Even if you are not experiencing macular degeneration symptoms, the problem could be something else.
Loss of Color Sight
Also on the list of macular degeneration symptoms is the inability to differentiate colors. The patient may notice that all colors appear the same. This is especially noticeable when trying to identify dark shades with other dark shades, or light with light. Contrast will also be difficult to identify as macular degeneration symptoms progress.
Slow Vision Recovery
If you have ever had a bright light flashed into your eyes, you know there is a moment where your eyes need to adjust. In healthy eyes, vision quickly recovers and the individual can see again very fast. However, when macular degeneration symptoms begin to appear, the patient may notice this recovery time slowed.
Vision Distortion
A strange vision distortion may also show as macular degeneration symptoms increase. When viewing a grid of straight lines, patients with macular degeneration symptoms notice the lines seem wavy. Portions of the grid may even appear completely blank. This may sound like something that doesn’t happen often, but patients can notice the problem when viewing mini blinds or similar objects.